
Majorette - One Glove

 I directed the music video for Majorette’s newest track, ‘One Glove.’ Taking inspiration from ‘An American in Paris,’ Danielle of Majorette and I settled on 5 different settings that could represent Winter, Spring, Summer, the Future, and the buck-naked present. We worked with set designer Elizabeth Chaney to come up with sets that could feel drastically different in color scheme and design, while maintaining the tableau-like through line that would keep the video cohesive. While the source material we were referencing featured extravagant choreographies, we decided to go with a completely static performance and locked off camera to enhance the suggestion that you’re looking at a kind of calendar turned animate.

I worked closely with Cinematographer Martin Parsekian to ensure we could pull off the bright, saturated look of the reference material and T. Mike Culhane assisted us with developing a lighting scheme that could be tweaked as needed for each set, as well as rigging up a functional chandelier for our gold “Future” room. Chia-yuan Chuang, Sarah MacGhee, and Andrea Nagua generously lent their abilities as set builders, painters, and cutout wave puppeteers. I finished the video off with some title design done by hand personally with brush and ink.

Shot on the ARRI 16SR on Kodak 200T provided by Mono No Aware with Dev/Scan by Metropolis Post.